Monday 21 November 2011

Fiberglass layer - sloj fibreglasa

A few nights ago I've made my first fiberglass attempt. Well, sort of. The first few runs were with my test ply wood and I strongly encourage everyone to sort this out before you fiberglass your real project.

For example, on the test run I've a used 'some' peel fabric (bleeder) and a Dacron fabric (breather). This proved wrong since the bleeder was not the right one and a Dacron fabric glued to the wood through the peel fabric.

The result was a 'hairy' ply wood, and impossible to sand off. Imagine an 'hairy' kite board:)
Like, "my board is so old that it grew a beard":)

After first test attempt, I've made a trip 'around a corner' to the fiberglass shop and bought some real peel fabric and real breather. All together around $15 for 3 meters.

So here we go:


Prije  nekoliko noci uradio sam prvi pravi fiberglas pokusaj. Recimo. Prije pravog pokusaja napravio sam par probnih na sperploci i svakako bih predlozio da uradite isto prije nego glasirate glavni projekt.

Na primjer, tehnika glasiranja kaze da morate koristiti dva materijala izmedju fiberglasa i vakumske vrece - bleeder i breather (hm, kako ovo prevesti?). Ja sam odlucio koristiti neki materijal za koji mislih da ce biti dobar. No nije. Umjesto da se materijal lagano odlijepi sa fiberglasa kad se ljepilo stvrdne, on se je potpuno zalijepio (Dacron) i sperploca je ostala 'dlakava'. Nemoguce za odstraniti.

Zamislite 'dlakavu' dasku:)
Ono, kao, moja je daska tako stara da je pustila bradu :)

Nakon ovog pokusaja otisao sam do obliznjeg ducana sa fibreglas materijalima (ima toga ovdje:) i kupio pravi bleeder/breather (oko $15 za 3m).

Onda krecemo:

Also, on the test run my vacuum bag was sealed well since it was just a small plastic sealing bag. My 'suction valve' was working perfectly since the bag was well sealed!

Now, on the real attempt the vac bag was *not* sealed properly resulting in two or more hours wasted precious epoxy working time! The reason why wasn't sealed was a sellotape around the bag sides! When I finally found the cause it was getting late and couldn't run my vacuum pump for much longer (not having a garage or a 'man' shed doesn't help with a man's projects).

I don't have any more photos of the process. Was too stressed out knowing that the epoxy workable time was disappearing and not knowing why can't apply vacuum.

Learned lessons:

Check for the leaks! And check again all around the edges of your vac bag! Or better, permanently seal the sides on vac bag. And start working early in the morning.

Next time, the result. And, almost a perfect one...


Na probnom pokusaju moja vakumska vreca je bila potpuno zabrtvljena, jer sam koristio malu vrecicu sa vakumirati hranu. Time je i moj ventil dobro radio jer je vreca dobro bila zacepljena!

Kod pravog glasiranja vakumska vreca nije bila dobro zabrtvljena cime sam izgubio dva ili vise sati dragocjenog radnog epoxi vremena! Vreca nije bila dobro slijepljena selotejpom jer se isti u medjuvremenu odlijepio sa strane! Kada sam konacno pronasao gdje je odlijepljeno vec je bilo dosta kasno te nisam mogao imati upaljenu vakumsku pumpu dugo vremena (nemam garazu sto bas i ne pomaze kod muskih projekata:).

Tako da nemam vise slika jer sam bio previse iznerviran znajuci da je sve manje vremena za rad sa epoxijem.

Sto sam ovime naucio:
Provjeriti gdje vreca pusta! Nekoliko puta. Ili bolje, trajno zalijepiti vrecu sa strane. I svakako poceti rad rano ujutro!

Slijedeci puta gotova daska! I to skoro pa perfektna...

1 comment:

  1. Nice details. I like the idea of a 'Lessons Learned' section. That is really great for eveyones learning. I'm going to start doing that too!
