Tuesday 29 May 2012

Fins inserts - kite board peraje

Made a perspex mold for epoxy fins inserts. Filled with epoxy with some orange powder pigment.
Notice that orange inserts are smaller than a hole. This is after I drilled 3mm more into the perspex to achieve "step down" - basically a straight hole and than counter sink with 45degrees.
I think this will make better contact with the board since wood will be drilled on the same principle.


Kako bih ugradio kite board peraje odlucio sam napraviti kalup za drzace peraja. Kalup izradjujem u pleksiglasu koji cu ispuniti epoksijem sa narandjastim pigmentom. Primjetite da su obojeni drzaci manji nego sto je rupa u pleksiglasu. To je nakon sto sam odlucio produbiti pleksi za 3mm tako da dobijem "prijelaz" - sa "obicne" rupe na konus pod kutem od 45 stupnjeva. Tesko je objasniti. No mislim da cu tako dobiti bolji kontakt sa drvetom posto ce i daska biti izbusena po istom principu. Nakon toga samo ubacim "drzace" za perajice uz malo ljepila i gotovo!

The perspex is drilled with counter sink on quite slow speed with this attachment for better positioning:


Pleksiglas je busen sa "konusnim" svrdlom sa malom brzinim okretanja busilice i drzacem za precizno busenje:

It must be on a slow speed since will burn perspex easily on a higher speed. No way to use plunge router for this. At least not without speed control. So my idea of precured rails will not work:(

One thing, powder pigment and epoxy will not give good results when applying on board! I do not know why is that since I've mixed it for 5 or more minutes but pigment wasn't really dissolved leaving many visible marks on my test run. Will stick with other pigments, not powder based.

The idea of precured fins inserts is just to speed up the things!

Precision tool. Wouldn't do it without one! 


Busilica mora biti na sporijem okretanju inace se pleksiglas moze rastopiti. Ideja mi je bila koristiti router, no prebrzo se okrece model koji ja imam.
Jedna stvar, pigment u prahu i epoksi ne daje dobar rezultat kada je upotrebljen na dasci. Naime, pigment se nije dobro rastopio iako sam mjesao vise od 5 min epoksi. Nakon primjene, vidljive su grudice pigmenta na probnom uzorku. Dakle, bolje je koristiti tekuci pigment.

Ideja izrade drzaca perajica u kalupu je samo da se stvari ubrzaju!

Bez preciznog drzaca ne bih radio ovo!

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