Wednesday 17 August 2011

Smanjiti tezinu - reducing weight

Razmisljam kako smanjiti tezinu gornjeg i doljnjeg sloja daske. Naime, sada dolji sloj tezi 1750g tj. 1.75kg, a gornji sloj od bambusa je 1340g.

Sto sve ukupno daje 3kg. Cilj mi je postici tezinu prvog i drugog sloja od 2kg. Tako dok dodamo sve "sitnice" npr. T-matice i fiberglas, krajnji proizvod nije tezi od 2.5-2.7 kilograma.

Ovaj dizajn nasao sam na Internetu pokusati cu uciniti slicno. Naime, jednostavno routerom izrezemo rupe od oko 2mm dubine i tako smanjimo tezinu. Naravno, ovaj dizajn morate nekako izkopirati na dasku koju radite i za to predlazem Indigo papir! Sjecate li se Indigo papira? :) Tesko ga je vise naci...


I'm thinking how to reduce the weight for my kiteboard. The bottom plywood layer is 1750g and the top bamboo one is 1340g.

All together is around 3kg. The target is having around 2kg before we add the T-nuts, epoxy and fiberglass.Final product shouldn't be more than 2.5-2.5 kg.

This design I've found on the Net. I'll try to do the same (but not exactly :). Will just use a router to cut around 2mm in depth and this will reduce the weight. 
Of course, similar design you need to copy somehow to your board. I would suggest a Carbon paper! Do you remember a Carbon paper? :) Hard to find this days...

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